Acceptable reasons for bothering me while I’m writing.
There are 10 – only 10- acceptable reasons for bothering me while I’m writing. Those reasons are:
- Blood, death, and/or dismemberment (and if it’s dismemberment, it better be important parts. No pinky toes, or fingertips)
- You have the perfect plot point to get me past my writer’s block
- You bought me a box of warm, fresh-from-the-bakery doughnuts
- Hugh Jackman is at the door, asking for me (would also accept Chris Hemsworth or Ryan Reynolds)
- The Publisher’s Clearinghouse people finally showed up with my giant novelty check
- A special off-season episode of Game of Thrones is running (like, now)
- The house is on fire (and it better be a BIG fire, right outside my office–because if it’s only a small fire at the other end of the house, I’ll be pissed)
- You want me to piss me off (note: this will result in you being killed off–horribly, embarrassingly–in my next book)
- Stephen King is on the phone and wants to give me his secret for publishing so many brilliant books so fast
- The giant spider in my basement (aka: the Source of All Evil) invited his friends over, and it’s time to surrender the house to them