About Isabel

Here are some weird-but-true facts about me that would never come up in polite conversation.

Isabel Jordan …. 

  1. Is terrified of butterflies (don’t judge…it’s a real phobia called lepidopterophobia) 
  2. Is obsessed with Supernatural (hated the ending), Game of Thrones (REALLY hated the ending), and Dog Whisperer 
  3. Will die mad at Rob Thomas for what he did in the last episode of Veronica Mars 
  4. Hates coffee. Drinks a Diet Mountain Dew every morning. 
  5. Will argue to the death that Pretty in Pink ended all wrong. (Seriously, she ends up with the guy who was embarrassed to be seen with her and not the nice guy who loved her all along? That would never fly in the world of romance novels.) 
  6. Would eat Mexican food every day, if given the choice. 
  7. Refers to her Kindle as “the precious”. 
  8. Thinks puppy breath is one of the best smells in the world. 
  9. Kicks ass at Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. 
  10. Stole her tagline idea from her son. Her tagline idea was, “Never wrong, not quite right.” She liked her son’s idea better. 

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